Privacy Policy

Come to . We are a self-publishing agency that offers British authors full-fledged assistance for online publication. This detailed Privacy Policy document is crafted for those customers who are conscious of their privacy. We are committed to safeguarding your personal information. The terms “we,” “us,” “our,” and “service” refer to our website, located at

We try to serve our customers with complete honesty and transparency. You will get to know about all the details regarding how we collect, store, and process your information. The goal is to make our customers feel confident and give them an assurance that their data is completely safe with us. We collect your details only to enhance our services and offer a more personalised and better user experience. Please give this document a good read. Once you visit our site, it means that you have acknowledged and accepted all the terms mentioned in this Privacy Policy document. In case of any reservations, please do not share any personal information through our website or directly to our team.

Personal Information Collection

Every user can visit or access our site, as there is no information required to browse our siHowever, you have to submit certain details if you engage in activities like placing an order, getting in touch with our team, or registering yourself. Following are the two major types of information that we collect from our clients:

Personal data: Name, email address, mailing address, and contact number.

Billing data: Credit card details and CVC.

Apart from your personal details, we will also collect certain technical details regarding your device. Browser type, IP addresss, and operating system are some of the details that we need. This information helps us facilitate your site usage. We understand that you share personally identifiable information and personally sensitive data with us. Therefore, we try to protect it from unauthorised access or unwanted disclosure.

Data Collection Purpose

AuthorsSolution gather certain details from its customers for various purposes. Mainly, it is collected to process the orders and enhance the quality of its services. One thing that we assure our clients is that our data collection will always adhere to our legal obligations and will be according to our business policies. We do not share or disclose your information to any third party.

We authenticate your identity through the data we collect and use it to provide personalised responses to your queries and requests. It also helps us identify and fix technical issues. We maintain billing records of our clients and also share order confirmation emails, news, and discount offers. Other than this, any other objective will be fulfilled after getting your consent.

Cookie Usage

We use cookies just like every other digital entity to enhance the online experience of our clients. However, we stay clear about our cookie usage and inform our clients beforehand. We prioritise the consent and give you a chance to approve or decline the cookies when you visit the site for the first time. Cookies are small text files that store your preferences and monitor the activity you perform online on our site. Necessary and functionality cookies are two major types that we mainly use.

Necessary Cookies: Crucial for the technical integrity of our site.

Functionality Cookies: Insights into visitor online behaviour, which enable us to furnish a personalised return experience.

The control to block cookies is available within your browser settings. It won’t have any profound impact on your online experience.

Data Protection

The protection of your data is paramount. Before transmission, data undergoes encryption to guarantee the zenith of privacy and security. A multifaceted array of security measures is meticulously embedded at every stage. Furthermore, sensitive financial information ceases to reside on our servers upon completion of transactions. The presence of SSL encryption perpetually shields your data from jeopardy.

Policy Updates

We diligently uphold a practice of regular Privacy Policy updates to promptly address potential vulnerabilities. The most recent document is perpetually accessible on our website. It is the responsibility of all visitors to remain apprised of the latest version and accord consent to its clauses before sharing any information or placing orders with us.

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